Mushroom Gummies

Made with Pure Medicinal Mushrooms Extracts

Nature's Superfood Redefined

Shop Our Gummy Extracts

Medicinal Mushrooms - Nature's Superfood Booster

Medicinal Mushrooms from Regen Nutraceuticals are an excellent choice for supporting your health and well-being. Unlike other products available, these mushrooms exclusively contain premium mushroom extracts. This ensures superior results in nourishing and protecting your body. These mushrooms, which are non-psychoactive, have been cultivated and harvested with great attention to detail for the purpose of offering their exceptional benefits. These include adaptogens, nootropics, antioxidants, and more. Regen Nutraceutical's Medicinal Purelife Mushroom Gummies offer a delightful way to incorporate the healing power of nature into your daily routine. Prepare yourself to experience a new level of vitality and energy!
cordyceps mushroom


Energy & Exercise

Revered for its ability to support energy, stamina, cognition and immunity. Cordyceps may be used to reduce fatigue and boost strength and sex drive related to their antioxidant properties.
reishi mushroom

Reishi Mushroom

Relax and Recharge

Promotes restful sleep, supports relaxation, calms the body and combats stress and anxious feelings while enhancing mood. High source of antioxidants and supports the immune system.
chaga mushroom

Chaga Mushroom

Renewal & Balance

Robust antioxidant that supports against daily free radical damage and can help boost your immune system while fighting inflammation. May lower both blood sugar & cholestorol.
lion's mane mushrooms

Lion's Mane

"Mountain Priest "

Promotes mental clarity, focus, and memory while providing support for the immune system. May combat oxidative stress. Known for its Nerve Growth Factor (NGF).
maitake medicinal mushrooms

Maitake Mushroom

"Hen of The Woods"

Great for kick to your immune system thanks to the high concentration of beta-glucans. Also contains vitamins B and C and amino acids. May keep arteries flowing naturally.
turkey tail mushrooms

Turkey Tail

"Powerful Polysaccharides"

Packed full of cellular nutrients, supports immune modulation and microbiota. Contains polysaccharopeptides, thereby activating and iimmune cells and by suppressing inflammation.

The Oldest Healing Science

Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest medical systems and remains one of India's traditional health care systems. Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. Knowledge of Ayurveda enables one to understand how to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution and how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance.


Super Cleanse

Revered for its ability to support energy, stamina, cognition and immunity.
reishi mushroom


Male Power Support

Revered for its ability to support energy, stamina, cognition and immunity.
chaga mushroom


Female Power Support

Robust antioxidant that supports against daily free radical damage.
lion's mane


Joint & Back Relief

Promotes mental clarity, focus, and memory. Known for its Nerve Growth

Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms are an excellent source of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that can enhance the body’s natural healing capabilities. These mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to treat a wide range of health conditions, including inflammation and infections. In recent years, scientific research has further validated the health benefits of certain types of medicinal mushrooms when consumed or taken as supplements, such as our Mushroom Gummies or Mushroom Gelcaps.

Medicinal mushrooms encompass a variety of types, such as reishi, cordyceps, shiitake, and maitake, each containing powerful compounds that contribute to their health benefits. Most medicinal mushrooms possess anti-inflammatory and immune-modifying effects on the body, thanks to the presence of polysaccharides within them. These compounds provide potent antiviral effects, effectively combating internal ailments. Cordyceps, in particular, are known for their ability to boost energy levels.

Shop By Mushroom & Ayurveda Benefits

memory and focus

Memory & Focus

Better Focus and Clarity

products for immunity support

Immune Support

Supports Immune System

products for energy and performance

Energy & Performance

Promote Energy Naturally

joint and back relief

Joint & Back Relief

Relief from discomfort

products for relaxation


Relax, Combat Stress & Recharge

Medicinal Mushrooms

Our Mind & Body Mushroom Gummies

for Energy. Focus. Gut Health & Immune Support

Each organic medicinal mushroom in our mushroom extracts are carefully handpicked for its distinct health benefits, to address your physical and mental well-being as well as everything in between. Just open the cap to our mushroom gummies and pop a gummy to let these adaptogens go to work right away.
medicinal mushrooms benefits

Ingredients: Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract, Shiitake Mushroom Extract, Chaga Mushroom Extract and Maitake Mushroom Extract. 

medicinal mushrooms
Our Purelife Natural Wellness Nutraceuticals including Medicinal Mushroom Extracts and Ayurveda Herbs Are Trusted by
products for active seniors
Active Seniors
products for on the go moms
On-The-Go Moms
products for entrepeneurs
products for students
products for patients
products for athletes

Mushroom supplements are renowned for their medicinal properties, with extracts from mushrooms having been used to treat ailments throughout the world. Medicinal Mushrooms contain many compounds that are believed to have numerous health promoting effects when taken as a supplement or extract Among these include polysaccharides, proteins, fats, terpenes/sterols and organic acids.

These compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory properties that can assist in treating chronic soreness and may help as a mood enhancer. Possible benefits also include enhanced immune system functioning which can reduce incidents of everyday sickness. Furthermore, some studies provide evidence that certain types of mushrooms possess other activities which may prevent some very serious diseases!

The mushroom extraction process is an important step towards harnessing all available nutrients found within medicinal mushrooms – allowing us to experience first hand what this wonderful superfood can offer our bodies!

Through proper extraction techniques commonly used by practitioners specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM, valuable active ingredients from medicinal mushrooms are extracted without losing any nutritional value during the process – making them highly effective at delivering maximum health benefits to its users while minimizing side effects or toxicity levels due to overconsumption or excessive use over extended periods of time. More research into the hidden powers held within mushroom extracts continues at record pace; we’ve come to discover new ways to unlock their healing gifts even further!

The full range power housed within natural homeopathic remedies like mushroom extracts will gain a deep understanding on not only what they do but why they work so well across multiple facets including traditional medicine practices too – enabling more consumers to make informed decisions regarding recommendations involving their usage for optimum results!

Powerful Mushroom Extracts

Medicinal Mushrooms Extracted in their Pure Form to Help You Live a Healthier Life.

Shop Mushroom GummiesShop Ayurveda Herbs


Redefining the Nutraceutical & Supplement Industry.

Like our clients, we started out with a simple idea, But we found the nutritional supplement market was full of disjointed processes, barriers, and hustlers.

Its also full of opportunity, so we started Regen Nutraceuticals to put complete control
right where it should be .. in your hands.

Elevate Mood Patterns

Help replace daily stress & anxiety with deep relaxation – to help level up your happiness quotient, naturally!

Boost Clarity & Focus

Help beat brain fog symptoms & improves focus, alertness & mental energy – helping unlock creativity & productivity.

Support & Well-Being

Formulated medicinal mushroom extracts with power-packed blend of mushroom extracts including Lion’s Mane, Shiitake, Chaga and Maitake medicinal mushroom extracts.

Strengthen Immune System

Support healthy immune & inflammatory response, boosting the body’s natural defense against infections, allergies & other ailments.

Cellular Healthy Support

Antioxidants, adaptogens & beta-glucans in mushrooms, naturally energize health & decreases occurrence of diseases.

Enhance Skin Health

Supports restoration and skin vitality and helping to address imbalances, from compromised immunity to sensitized skin, by reducing inflammation.


What Our Customers Say

These gummies derive their power from mushrooms like Lion's Mane and Cordyceps, renowned for their cognitive-enhancing and energy-boosting properties. They've been a game-changer for many folks, and I'm excited to see the positive impact they'll have on our customer's lives.

Jan Green

“Since incorporating these gummies into my daily routine, I’ve noticed a remarkable improvement in my focus and overall mood. Brain fog? Almost non-existent. Anxiety? Significantly reduced.”

Monique Rivera

“What truly tugged at my heartstrings was the thought of my dear mother. She’s been battling memory fog and fatigue, which has been affecting her quality of life. I can’t wait to introduce her to these gummies, knowing that they may bring her the same newfound vitality and clarity they’ve brought me.”

Christian Manning

“If you’ve been on a quest to boost your focus and overall well-being, let me introduce you to a game-changer that has had a profound impact on my life – Mushroom Performance Gummies. Skepticism was my initial reaction, but the results have left me utterly amazed.”

Mushroom Extracts Blends

Purelife Natural Wellness

Medicinal Mushrooms Extracts Gummies for Performance, Relaxation or Mind & Body

organic mushroom extracts

Organic Farm-Raised Mushrooms

mushroom superfoods

Powerful Antioxidants

mushrooms vegan


mushroom GMP certified

GMP Certified Facility

mushroom extracts made in the USA

Made in the U.S.A

medicinal mushrooms gluten free

Gluten Free

organic farm raised mushrooms

Organic Farm-Raised Mushrooms

mushrooms are powerful antioxidants

Powerful Antioxidants

mushroom gummies vegan friendly


GMP Certified facility

GMP Certified Facility

All mushroom extracts from US

Made in the U.S.A

our medicinal mushrooms are gluten free

Gluten Free

organic mushroom extract from purelife

Organic Farm-Raised Mushrooms

our gummys are a superfood

Powerful Antioxidants

vegan friendly mushroom extracts & ayurveda


All products from GMP certified facility

GMP Certified Facility

mushroom softgels are made in the US

Made in the U.S.A

gluten free ingredients

Gluten Free

Nutraceuticals FAQ

Get Answers to your Most Frequently Asked Questions about Nutraceuticals Including our Mushroom Extracts and Ayurveda Compounds.

Medicinal Mushrooms


  • What are the Most Medicinal Mushrooms?

    1. Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) …
    2. Cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) …
    3. Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) …
    4. Maitake (Grifola frondosa) …
    5. Oyster (Pleurotus) …
    6. Reishi (Ganoderma lingzhi) …
    7. Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) …
    8. Turkey Tail (Coriolus versicolor)
  • What are Medicinal Mushrooms Good for?

    Medicinal mushrooms have important health benefits and exhibit a broad spectrum of pharmacological activities, including antiallergic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiviral, cytotoxic, immunomodulating, anti-depressive, antihyperlipidemic, antidiabetic, digestive and hepatoprotective.
    Mushrooms are a nutritious and enjoyable food source that can provide health benefits for those who choose to include them as part of their diet From boosting immunity to improving digestive health, there is much to be gained from adding mushrooms to one’s diet In this article, we will cover some of the beneficial ways in which mushrooms can improve digestive health.
    Mushrooms contain a range of essential nutrients such as B vitamins, Vitamin D, selenium, potassium and zinc which help support digestion by aiding the body’s production of enzymes responsible for breaking down food into its constituent molecules so they can be absorbed into our system more effectively Additionally, certain types of mushrooms have been proven effective at reducing inflammation in the gut lining which helps alleviate symptoms associated with gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
    Fungi also contain high levels of fibre- both soluble and insoluble forms – which aid digestion by helping break down food particles quicker when passing through our intestines thus keeping us regular and eliminating discomfort associated with constipation or diarrhoea Mushrooms also play an important role in maintaining the correct balance between good bacteria (probiotics and bad bacteria (pathogens within our gut thanks to their presence on prebiotics – indigestible complex carbohydrates found naturally present in many fungi species that feed probiotic microbes living inside us promoting healthy digestion overall 
  • Are Medicinal Mushrooms the Same as Magic Mushrooms?

    While we think the mushrooms in our blend are perfectly magical due to their health benefits, no they are not psychedelic or magic mushrooms and they will not make you trip. With over 10,000 species of mushrooms out there, medicinal mushrooms (or functional mushrooms) are distinct from magic and have absolutely no psychedelic effects whatsoever. 

  • Do you provide a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for your product?

    Yes, we do. We take quality very seriously, and we want our customers to have peace of mind knowing exactly what they’re getting. Just shoot us an email, and we’ll be happy to send you a copy.

  • What are the Benefits of Mushroom Supplements?

    Mushroom supplements are becoming increasingly popular, as more people learn of the medicinal benefits they offer. Mushroom supplements refer to the extracts derived from various types of mushrooms that have been specially cultivated for their high levels of specific compounds or chemicals that support health and well-being.

    Mushrooms contain a variety of active constituents such as polysaccharides, terpenoids, phenolic compounds or organic acids that can provide beneficial effects to users when consumed in supplemental form

  • Which Medicinal Mushrooms will help balance hormones?

    The medicinal mushroom known to be most effective in helping to balance hormones is reishi. Reishi mushrooms are used in Eastern medicine traditions and have a wide variety of health benefits, including the ability to help balance hormones. This is because reishi has properties that can help modulate hormones through several biochemical pathways.


    Reishi is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal effects, which can help reduce symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances such as inflammation, fatigue, and headaches. Additionally, compounds within reishi can help increase levels of serotonin and dopamine while lowering levels of cortisol, which is the body’s primary stress hormone. Reishi also plays an important role in regulating immune cells which can be affected by hormones. By doing this it helps to bring balance back to the body’s systems.

  • What are Nutraceuticals?

    Nutraceuticals are health products that provide benefits beyond their traditional nutritional value. They are often derived from food sources and can be consumed in a variety of forms, including: tablets, capsules, powders, extracts and beverages. Generally speaking, nutraceuticals are functional foods or dietary supplements containing natural nutrients and phytochemicals that are believed to have therapeutic or preventive health effects.

    The term nutraceutical is made up of the words ‘nutrition’ and ‘pharmaceutical’ which implies that these products are designed to provide nutritive benefits beyond basic nutrition. These products have been developed to meet the growing demand for safe and effective dietary interventions intended for disease prevention or treatment without resulting in adverse events or drug interactions. In particular, nutraceuticals address deficiencies or imbalances in the diet that may have occurred due to aging, lifestyle changes, environmental factors, disease states or genetics.



  • What is Ayurveda?

    Ayurveda is a comprehensive Indian system of traditional medicine that has been used for centuries to promote health, well-being, and longevity. The name translates to the ‘Science of Life’ and it seeks to teach us how to live in harmony with Nature and our own individual nature. It is believed that imbalance in our lives, not only physical but mental and spiritual too, can lead to ill health. Ayurveda helps us to understand the causal relationships between our environment, lifestyle, diet, mental attitudes and finally our health.

    Ayurveda focuses on promoting balance in the body by using various methods such as diet, lifestyle adjustments, herbal remedies and yoga. The goal is always prevention rather than cure – so Ayurveda emphasizes living a healthy life from an early age. Each person’s constitution is unique so personalized treatment plans are recommended according to their individual needs.

  • what are the three body types according to ayurveda?

    In ayurvedic medicine, each person is thought to possess a unique balance of three different doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha. Each dosha corresponds to a particular body type which can be identified based on physiological characteristics. While each individual contains all three doshas in varying amounts, one often predominates and determines the body type. Here are the three body types of ayurveda:

    Vata Body Type: Vata dominant individuals tend to be thin with graceful features. They usually have small frames with narrow shoulders and hips. Also characteristic of this body type is dark hair, dry skin, cold hands and feet, thin nails that easily break or chip, crackling joints when twisted and moved around, and an irregular digestive system. People who have this type usually have difficulty gaining weight due to their fast metabolism. They are very creative but can also be prone to anxiety due to their sensitive nature.

    Pitta Body Type: An individual whose dominant dosha is pitta usually has a moderate frame with broad shoulders and well-defined musculature. Their hair is usually thick with shades of red or gold colors while their skin tends to be oily with freckles or moles here and there. Pitta individuals are driven by ambition which can lead them towards excellent achievements if kept balanced; however they can become overwhelmed by stress if not attended to properly. They tend to sleep less than other types as their energy level remains high even at night time

    Kapha Body Type: Kapha dominated persons typically display more robustness in comparison with the other two body types since their main element is water which gives them heavier builds than average people as well as lush hair which could either be curly or straight depending on the percentages within the person’s doshic mixture.. They show stability in both physical endurance (despite having slow metabolic rates)and mental fortitude but can become sluggish if not taken care of accordingly.

  • the ayurveda system of herbs from india is over how many years old?

    Ayurveda is an ancient system of health and wellness that is believed to have originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. It is a comprehensive system of holistic treatments and remedies that can be used to treat any physical or mental ailment. This holistic approach looks at the individual rather than the disease or condition itself, and takes into account lifestyle, diet, exercise, environment, mental state as well as traditional herbal treatments.

  • What is my Ayurveda Dosha?

    Ayurveda is a traditional holistic healing system that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. According to Ayurvedic principles, every individual has a unique mind-body constitution, known as dosha, which determines their physical and mental characteristics, as well as their susceptibility to certain diseases.

    1) Vata Dosha: It is composed of air and space elements and governs movement in the body. People with this dominant dosha tend to have a slim build with prominent joints and thin bones. They are creative thinkers but may struggle with anxiety or fear when out of balance. They also have irregular digestion patterns and dry skin.

    2) Pitta Dosha: Made up of fire element with some water element, Pitta governs metabolism in the body. Individuals with this dominant dosha tend to have a medium build and sharp features. They are ambitious, competitive, and have strong digestion. When out of balance, they may experience anger or irritability and have a tendency towards inflammation.

    3) Kapha Dosha: Composed of earth and water elements, Kapha governs structure and stability in the body. People with this dominant dosha tend to have a heavier build with broad shoulders and soft features. They are calm, nurturing individuals but may struggle with weight gain and sluggish digestion when imbalanced.

  • How to increase sexual stamina Ayurveda?

    First and foremost, diet plays a crucial role in maintaining sexual health according to Ayurveda. It is essential to consume foods that are rich in aphrodisiac properties such as almonds, saffron, dates, and ghee. These foods help nourish the reproductive tissues and improve sexual energy.

    Another powerful tool in Ayurveda for improving sexual stamina is herbal supplements or tonics like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, and Safed Musli. These herbs have been used for centuries to boost libido and improve overall vitality. They work by increasing blood flow to the genital area and promoting hormonal balance.

    In addition to these dietary changes and herbal supplements, certain lifestyle practices can also help increase sexual stamina. Regular exercise helps improve blood circulation and stimulates the production of feel-good hormones like endorphins which can enhance desire and performance in bed. Yoga poses like Baddha Konasana (Butterfly pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra pose), and Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving pose) are beneficial for strengthening pelvic muscles and improving sexual function.

    Apart from physical practices, Ayurveda also emphasizes the importance of mental well-being for improving sexual stamina. Stress is one of the leading causes of low libido and sexual dysfunction. Ayurveda recommends incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises), and aromatherapy to calm the mind and reduce stress.

  • What is Ashwaghanda?

    Ashwagandha is a powerful medicinal herb that has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Also known as Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng, or winter cherry, ashwagandha is a small shrub that grows in India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. Its name translates to “smell of horse,” which refers to its distinct earthy and pungent odor.

    Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body adapt to stress and promote balance and homeostasis. It’s also considered a “rasayana” in Ayurveda, which means it’s believed to promote physical and mental health and prolong lifespan. In recent years, ashwagandha has gained popularity in Western cultures as well due to its numerous health benefits.

    The most well-known use of ashwagandha is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Its active compounds have been shown to regulate cortisol levels in the body, which is known as the stress hormone. By reducing cortisol levels, ashwagandha can help alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety such as irritability, fatigue, and insomnia.

    But ashwagandha offers much more than just stress relief. It contains powerful antioxidants that can help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals. This makes it beneficial for overall immune health and protection against chronic diseases.